Peggy wins!

Now the childer drew back just to look at the fun

And to watch if old Peggy would soon make him run

And no one went near him, his can nor his cart

 For Peggy had won each young innocent heart.

And the lad he stood there where he was for a while

Putting up with the threats and he trying to smile

Until out shot the weight with a long-arm swing

That on the tin can made a terrible ring.

The pony made off with a start at the noise

And the laughter and cheers of the girls and the boys

When they saw wee Balcoo fall into the can

Could be heard at Ballard and in Ummericam.

And Peggy laughed too when she saw his wee legs

Seeking up ou’r the can in the air dancing jigs

And she started a lilting ‘The Rakes of Kildare’

Keeping time with the legs and the galloping mare.


And when Peggy had routed the wee yellow man

Himself and his cart and his cream and his can

She talked to the childer and said ’twas but right

For to chase all the foreign-made stuff out of sight.

‘It’ud poison the devil himself, sure it would

Troth a’d give him a good dose myself if I could –

But for boys and wee girls like yourselves it’s no stuff

For it’s all made of chalk, bog-water and snuff!


But look at them apples and pears and sweet cake

And see if there’s anything better would make

A garsun or girsha dance reel or slip-jig

Why, I wouldn’t give thon stuff he has, to a pig!


Let us ate our own fruit and be healthy and strong

And we’ll dance and we’ll sing and live merry and long,

For meself I never be tired of atein’

The home-grown stuff that can never be batin’.

So ate up, me childer, they’re all fresh and new

You’ll live to a hundred and more if you do:

A penny a-piece the large oranges all –

Hurry up! Hurry up! There’ll be none left at all!!



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