The first power flax-spinning mill in
To facilitate it the lake at nearby Camlough was enlarged (a fact already alluded to) and its water used to regulate the stream that supplied power to drive the mills for grinding corn, scutching flax and bleaching linens.
By the mid nineteenth century it was only in a few locations that the old irregular cluster of farm dwellings known as clachans, survive. Instead bogs had been drained, mountain slopes brought into cultivation and farmhouses built down laneways or sited at intervals along the new, straight main roads.
The clachans (e.g. at Clontygora, Cornamuchlagh, Ballyn
In contrast, the large houses of the landlords set within wooded estates, parklands and gardens, represented the new features of the 19th century landscape. Examples are numerous but in our area we might name Heath Hall in Ballymacdermott townland,
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