Answers to Deduction Posers


Reasoning 1: Answers


1          D         The two sentences here assume that concentrated study is a sufficient (as well as being a necessary) condition for academic success.


2          D         Try this yourself using an empty cereal packet and a Stanley knife.  Left is a triangular shape.  Eight of these create 24 extra sides to total 36.


3          B          The main conclusion is embedded close to the start of the argument:  that there ought to be a mass vaccination programme.


4          D         It is assumed that the only way spiders can harm people is by biting them (this doesn’t have to be true to be assumed within the argument)


5          C         The first line is the main conclusion of the argument – that people who win elections are never the right leaders (again, it doesn’t have to be accepted as truth – merely the main thrust of this argument).


6          D         That one place is unsafe doesn’t make other places safer!  The logical flaw would vanish if the last sentence were to begin..’If it were true..’ rather than.. ‘But as it is clearly untrue..’


7          E          190.  If there are 380 members now, half this number must have brought a new member each at the last AGM.  Indeed the number of new members any year must be equal to the number of existing members turning up for the AGM.


8          A         5.5 hours.  There is one hour each on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday, and one and a half hours on Thursday morning.

Carlingford Pre-History


The most recent Ice Age, which lasted in this region from c.30,000-12,000 years B.P. not only determined the topographical character up to the present, but eradicated almost all archaeological evidence of earlier habitation.

Banjo Bannon, Everest Hero

Banjo Bannon

What about this man?!!

You can have your Pat Jennings, Peter McParlands, Ronan Raffertys or whoever. You can even have John Mitchel. I’ll take Banjo as our all-time greatest hero, any day.  Banjo is THE MAN.

Second Marriage


‘A woman died an’ left her husband sorrowing with a baby boy.  He’s grief wus tarrable, but quick an’ sudden over like, as such griefs sometimes are.  An’ before he’s wife wus more than coul’ in the oul’ burial groun’ of Creggan, he’s fancy wus captured by another.  An’ in a short time he wus again before the altar.

Meadow Memories 4


How did our parents manage to make us all feel important? My mum helped me when I was studying for the 11+. She was “expecting”. After the first few, all mum’s confinements were at home. The news was brought downstairs that the baby had been born. I rushed up to congratulate mum and see the new baby. I brought my books with me, and asked mum to help me again with my work.

So much for rest and recuperation.

And she did, though I don’t think she could see the pages too well!

Despite the large number of siblings in our house, I never remember feeling “left out”.

All these children are now grandparents in their own right!

James Fearon


Three James’s were central to Ireland’s labour movement a century ago.  Perhaps the most famous is James Connolly who led the Citizens’ Army contingent at the 1916 Rising and who was subsequently executed for his part [strapped to a chair since his injuries precluded his standing].