Use of a Handkerchief!

You may have wondered why there’s just the tumbled remains of a forth in this picture.  Well, I’m going to tell you!
A man that lived hereabouts one time went so far as to drill holes in the rock under some bushes, ready to take blasting powder to it.
Then he took a break for he’s dinner and when he come back he found the track of a foot in the loose mould, and a penny, a pipe and a candle lying on the stone.
Well it was, that he knew that these were the symbols of a wake, so he abandoned the work!   

This is also one of those fields where manys the time people at night got stuck in it and couldn’t find the pad out!  There was only one solution, if you weren’t to wait there till morning!
You had to turn your coat inside out, to tie three knots in your handkerchief and then to sit down for a while. 
Then you would see your way clear again!

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