Biddable Daughter

It was this old gentleman farmer and he had three daughters.  The two eldest were good working girls but the youngest one would do nothing.  Everything had to be done for her.

So the father said he would give a hundred pounds to anyone who would marry either of the other two, but two hundred pounds to the man that would marry the youngest and lazy one.  He had no fears to get rid of the other two – and he was right, for they were soon gone – but he was of the opinion that no one would take the lazy one, despite the two hundred pounds.  He thought never to get rid of her.
But there was this fella anyway that was down in money and he said to himself if he took this one on, with the two hundred of money, he’d be right again and he’d soon put her right of her ways too!
Well he took her and they got married.  He bought a horse and cart with the money and settled to the farm but it was little change he could get out of the woman.  It was just his bad luck that it was an old rusty horse he’d bought too.
Now the father invited the three sons-in-law back to his home place after a month, for that was the custom in them days – to find out how they were turning till the married state.
On the road to the father’s place didn’t the oul horse rust in the trap and refuse to move another step. 
‘If I have to order ye again, ye’re for it!’ he warned.
Still the horse wouldn’t move.  He stepped out of the trap, pulled a pistol from his coat and shot it dead on the spot.
‘Now’, he said to his wife, ‘I want you to unharness the dead horse and pull him to the ditch at the side of the road!’
‘But…’ she protested.
‘If I have to order ye again, ye’re for it!’ he warned.
She jumped to it.  Then he ordered her to stand between the shafts and draw the cart and him to the father’s yard.
At the house, the three sisters were sent to the low room to play cards while the menfolk were talking the important business.  The oul’ fella went on about testing the women to see who was the most biddable.
‘I’m giving fifty pounds to whichever one of yous has the most biddable woman.’
‘Well, shure I have surely, and all knows it!’ said the first.
‘Call her!’ orders the father.
‘You’re a wanted up here, Bridget,’ the husband cried.
‘Sure,’ she answered, ‘as soon as I have this hand played’.
The second husband boasted his woman was the most biddable.
‘Call her!’ orders the father.
‘You’re a wanted up here, Mary’, the husband cried.
‘I’m dealing the cards,’ she answered.  ‘I’ll be up in a minute!’
The husband of the lazy woman said his woman now was the most biddable.
‘Prove it!’ challenged the old man.
‘Ann!’ he roared, at the top of his voice.
‘If I have to order ye again up here, ye’re for it!’
Begab, no sooner were the words outa he’s mouth nor she appeared at the door with staring eyes and frothin’ mouth!
He won the fifty pounds.

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