Trinkle : trickle, ‘there’s a wee trinkle left in the river still’
Trinnel : trundle; ‘trinnel it up to the cart for me, please’
Trollop : an untidy person; ‘don’t be walking out with that trollop!’
Truff : steal, ‘he’d truff the eye from yer head’
Trumpery : rubbishy, of persons or materials
Tryst : appointment
Tully-eyed : squint-eyed
Turn : ‘a good turn’, a favour
‘don’t turn your tongue on me’, answer back
‘he wouldn’t turn for you’, indolent, indifferent
‘the thatch turns off the rain’, runs it off
‘turns round the farm’, work
‘not a hand’s turn would he do’, he’s lazy
Turned : gone sour, as of milk: changed religious allegiance, ‘she turned wi’ him’
Turry : small pig
Twig : ‘he didn’t twig it’, realize, understand
Twist : ‘a twist in the guts,’ stomach ache
‘I twisted my ankle’, sprained
‘there’s a twist to her tongue that’s not aisy till stand,’
she speaks with a peculiar accent that’s hard to listen to/understand, or,
she fails to speak well of anyone