Dialect ‘S’ 3 of 7
Shorten the road have company while walking: ‘Will ye shorten the road wi’ me?’
Show loan, give, ‘show me your spade an’ I’ll larn ye till dig’
Showing Sunday Sunday after their wedding, the couple attend the church in which they were wed
Shows refuse from flax
Shiggy-shoo see-saw
Shook for a word at a loss; ‘He’s not shook for a word, that boy!’
Sift enquire, ‘he will sift it for you’
Sipple drink, ‘a wee sipple now, just what’ll wet the glass’
Signed branded
Skedaddle vamoose! ‘We skedaddled while we cud’
Skelf a wood splinter
Skelp slap, blow, ‘Clear aff or I’ll give yer backside a skelp!’
Skelly squint, ‘God love her, she’s skelly-eyed’
Skiff small shower of rain
Skinning the field breaking up the lea, ploughing
Skirl scream
Skirted run, ‘They had all skirted before the polis came’
Skite a light blow; to splash or throw
Skite 1. fool: 2. ‘he won’t be long skiting across’, running