Scut a mean person, term of abuse to younger person
Seasoned old
Sensible wise, ‘make me sensible’, explain to me
Seep soak, ‘seeping wet’
Sets seed potatoes
Set set times, holidays, festivals etc.
‘getting set of him’, growing settled in his ways
let, ‘he has set his farm’
planted, ‘he has set his potatoes’
overtaxed, ‘he is hard set-on’
attacked, ‘he was set-upon’
Set to accompany, ‘I’ll set you a piece of the way’
Seepage leakage
Settled obstinate, ‘he’s that settled ye cudn’t move him’
Shanks legs: Shanks’ Pony: – go by foot (walk)
Shanty an old house
Shape prepare, ‘I must shape the field for the ploughing’
Shape ‘in her shape’, without a coat
Shay-cock a small loosely-built cock of hay
Sheugh ditch
Shilty pony
Shilcorn a face pimple
Shine a row or disturbance
Shire to clear
Shore a drain: also a country expression for the seaside
Short-a-button half-witted