Gab talk, mouth, ‘he’d deeve ye with his gab’ ‘I’ll swing me han’ across yer gab’
Gabble talk quickly
Gainsome winning
Gait way of going/walking, ‘I’ll alter his gait before I’m through’
Gag joke. ‘you’re a quare gag!’, you are quite the joker
Gale torrent, a gale of words
Galoot fool
Gallusues trouser braces
Galore abundance, food galore
Gam fool
Gant yawn
Gash gap, ‘The cow made a gash in the hedge’
Gassoon boy
Gather to supperate
Gather collect, as in crowd, also a collection of money, harvest apples, also ‘he gathered himself up and pulled himself together’
Get a child born out of wedlock
Girl servant
Girsshe girl
Girn grin, make screeching noise
Give threatening verb as in ‘I’ll give it to ye, me boy’
Give in acknowledge, ‘I give in that you’re right’
Giving off scolding, ‘she’s forever giving off’
Gizzard heart, ‘there’s devil a hate o’ feeling in the gizzard of that one’
Glam snatch
Glower stare
Glut too much, a glut of rain, a glut of fruit
Go a quantity, a go of water
Go-between intermediary
Go-by dismissal, to pass over
Goings-on tricks, happenings
Gomeril fool
Gophen the full of two hands of anything
Grate disturb
Great friendly, ‘them two’s great again’
Greatly-shaken unfit, looking ill
No great shakes of little consequence
Greesha ashes of wood or turf
Griskin boiling meat
Grist gist account ‘that’s the true grist of the story’
Grisset cam
Groun-stone grindstone
Grub food, dirty, delve or toil:
Head full o’ grubs silly, fanciful
Gruellin’ beating
Gub mouth, ‘close yer gub’ – be quiet!
Gulch small, fat ‘a wee gulch of a body’
Gulder roar, ‘he gave a gulder out of him’
Gumption sense
Gunk disappoint, confuse, astonish ‘he was really gunked!’
Fews Glossary G