Babbed :closed : A nivir babbed an eye the live-long night!
Babblement: nonsense: Stop yer babblement!
Back: assist: I’ll back ye on that!
Opinion: The back o’ the country’s behind him.
Back-set: Relapse: God spare him, he’s had a back-set.
Back-spang: Take advantage: He’d back-spang ye if ye weren’t careful!
Back and forrards Commuting: I’m back and forrards there a lot.
Back-talk: Cheeky replies: Enough af yer back-talk!
Bad Indisposed: Ach, he’s bad, all right! Bad Scrant Ill-luck Bad scrant to ye for yer lip!
Babboozle Outwit, confuse: He’d bamboozle ye with his edimicated talk!
Bang Thump, explosion: I’ll bang ye on the lug! Went off with a bang
Banjaxed: ruined, done: It’s banjaxed, right enough!Banter Tease It’s ony a bit a banter! Don’t pay no heed!
Bar Disallow I bar that!
Barge Scold, shrew She barged at him! She’s a right barge, that one!
Barra Barrow He was wheeled in a barra to her place till propose t’ her!
Borrow Cud a barra a cup o’sugar aff ye?
bum : boastful, useless person, backside: Quit yer bumming! Don’t listen to that bum. Kick up the bum.