Tack bad taste [tacky]
Biddable obedient
Scrunty small
Well put-on well dressed
Doin’ bravely thriving, feeling fairly well
Deave [dave] to stun with noise
Stroe straw
Duke crouch
Fadge a piece of bread
Soople active
Blether-cum-skite silly person
Can’t see a stine blind
Sonsy healthy or lucky
Cornaptious irritable
Speel climb
Smit infect
Gunk disappoint
A harl o’bones very thin person
Set up entirely ‘made-up’, gob-smacked, delighted
[times the opposite, unable to proceed’]
Shill shell
Sned the shaft of the scythe
Lash a great effort, ‘give her a lash’
Let-on pretend
Spencal rope to tie goats
Brightify make bright
Slithery slippery
Daunder walk slowly
Setting-down scolding, ‘he got the great setting-down from her’