The Micks


Have you ever met ‘the Micks’, me lads, when wandering round the town,
They are the crowd of Irishmen, whose fame is all renown.
There’s Alexander, Mungo Park and Michael Vernon too,
But these names I state to you, me lads, are merely just a few.

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Art McCooey: [Kavanagh]


I must appeal to proper Kavanagh scholars who may explain why the poet dedicated the following to his predecessor poet of our region, Art McCooey. The collection ‘A Soul for Sale‘ was published in the year of my birth by Macmillan. Other poems in this anthology were similarly dedicated to those who went before.

Read moreArt McCooey: [Kavanagh]

Fairy Thresher

Mass Rock Newry

That winter night round the blazing turf,

The children on the hobs, the talk ran on

Most from the farmer and his sister Kitty

His wife not holding much with superstitions,

To rhyme and ramble through familiar stories

Of ghosts and fairies, witches, blinks and spells.

Read moreFairy Thresher