The Micks


Have you ever met ‘the Micks’, me lads, when wandering round the town,
They are the crowd of Irishmen, whose fame is all renown.
There’s Alexander, Mungo Park and Michael Vernon too,
But these names I state to you, me lads, are merely just a few.

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Gun Battles & Top of the Pops


We were walking home from school talking about football, girls and who might be on Top of The Pops later that evening.  We heard gunfire and it sounded close.  It was coming from the direction of our estate!

 It was 1974 and gun battles between the IRA and the British Army were a regular occurrence in the estate.  We often had to run home to our houses for sanctuary during these battles which were spontaneous and could occur at any time of the day or night.

Read moreGun Battles & Top of the Pops



When Mickie Smyth left Dunhill’s pub he had three ‘Belfast Telegraphs’ left.

He’d done well today, considering that they were last night’s copies.  He turned right down Navigation Street but had to stop almost immediately.

Read morePatriots