Peter McParland & Great Newry Sportsmen

Peter McParland, Pat’s great predecessor on the international soccer stage, has a park in the area (Barley Lane) named after him.  Older folks will remember his incredible exploits in the greatest F.A. Cup final of them all!  Captain of his international squad, Danny Blanchflower admired him greatly, considering him an outstanding ‘outside left’:  of his team-mate and role model, Peter Doherty, an inside forward, Blanchflower said

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1975 Kilmorey St People (2)

12     Esther McCamley
         Patrick McCamley
14     Mary Mulholland
16     Walter Murphy
         Margaret Murphy
18    Catherine Murtagh
         Patrick Murtagh
         Margretta Murtagh
22     Joseph Ward
         Pauline Mathers
24     John Murtagh
         Mary Murtagh
48     Ciaran McAteer
         Enda McAteer
         Matthew McAteer
         Mary McAteer
         Emma O’Hanlon
         Catherine O’Hanlon
50     Owen Cunningham
         Alice Hogan
         John Hogan
52     Thomas McKeown
         Margaret McKeown
54     Teresa Fitzpatrick
56     Agnes McCourt
58     Austin Hollywood
         Eileen Hollywood
         John Hollywood
60     Mary Boyle
         Edward Boyle
         Christina Boyle
         Margaret Boyle
62     Francis Campbell
         Mary Campbell
64     Geraldine Campbell
         John Campbell
         Sarah Campbell
68     Mary Lynch
70     Ann Kerrins
         Phyllis Kerrins
74     Gerard Collins
         James Collins
         John Collins (Jnr)
         Pauline Collins
         Carmel Collins
13     Winifred Rocks
         Thomas Rocks
15     Thomas Byrne
17     Catherine Bryson
         Robert Bryson
         Vera Bryson
19     Mary McParland
         Peter McParland
25     Clare Manning
         Patrick manning
27     James Murphy
         Pauline Murphy
29     Mary Marron
31     Michael Hollywood
         Celine Hollywood
33     Josephine Murray
         Thomas Murray
35     Elizabeth Wasson
39     Thomas Price
41     Mary McShane
         Patrick Russell
         Rosena Russell
43     Patricia Donohoe
         Anna Donohoe
         Ann Donohoe
53     Francis Sweeney
57     Thomas Fearon
         Bridget Fearon
63     Annie Magennis
         Margaret McGivern
65     Joseph Donnelly
         Mary Donnelly
71     Mary Byrne
8       Vincent Gorman
         Pauline Gorman
10     Francis McClelland
         Bridget McClelland

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1975 Kilmorey St People (1)

 1       Margaret Larkin
           George Larkin
         Patrick Larkin
 1A     Francis Trainor
         Mary Trainor
3       Patrick Gorman
         Mary Gorman
5       Alice Ruddy
         Terence Ruddy
7       Bernard Larkin
         Mary Larkin
9       Mary Kelly
         Susan Kelly
11     Richard Rodgers
13     Angela Downey
15     Robert Fegan
         Irene Fegan
17     Michael Rice
51     Peter McCourt
         Mary McCourt
         Ann McCourt
52     Mary Hughes
         Thomas hughes
53     Mary McLoughlin
         Patricia McLoughlin
         Michael McLoughlin
         Henry McLoughlin
55     Margaret Turley
57     Thomas O’Hare
         Annie O’Hare
59     Mary McClure
61     Agnes keenan
         Elizabeth Keenan
         Josephine Keenan
63     Owen McLoughlin
         Mary McLoughlin
65     Eamon McCaul
         Edward McCaul
         Annie McCaul
          Gerard McCaul
67     Anne Doyle
         Francis Doyle
69     Patrick Loughran
         Ursula Loughran
71     Rose Burns
73     Maureen leather
75     Bernard Golding
77     John Hughes
         Robert Hughes
         Kathleen Hughes
85     Thomas McEvoy
87     Patrick McAteer
         Mary McAteer
         Bernadette McAteer
         Patrick McAteer (Jnr)
2       John O’Neill
4       Charles Hickland
         Mary Hickland
6       Robert Martin
         Patrick Martin
8       Gerard Toner
         Patricia Toner
10     Hugh Finnegan
12     Gabriel O’Hare
         Anne O’Hare
14     Mary Gallagher
         Susan Gallagher
         James Gallagher
16     Mary Warrinnier
         Camilla Warrinnier
18     Noel Collins
         James Collins
20     Gerald McLoughlin
         Thomas McLoughlin
22     Bridget Rocks
         Anthony Rocks
24     Mary Smith
26     Lucia White
         Martin White
28     James Hughes
         Dorothy Hughes
32     Mary Hagan
         Denis hagan
         James Hagan
34     Elizabeth Sheridan
36     Dominic Donnelly
         Maureen Donnelly
38     Mary Keenan
46     Desmond Murphy
         Mary Murphy
48     Margaret hart
         Eileen O’Reilly
         Thomas O’Reilly
50     Rose Smith
54     Catherine Hillen
56     James McGovern
         Mary McGovern
58     Patrick Rooney
         Jean Rooney
         Jeanette Rooney
60     Susan McAteer
         Michael McAteer
62     Mary Manly
         Francis J Manly
         Patrick Manly
         William Manly
64     Emily Woods
         Patrick Woods
         Patrick Woods (Jnr)
         Bridget Woods
66     Robert Lundy
         Mary Lundy
         Robert Lundy (Jnr) 

Read more1975 Kilmorey St People (1)

1975 Monaghan Street People

1       Terence Murphy
         Noelle Murphy
3A     Jacinta Crimmins
         James Crimmins
         Kathleen Crimmins
         James Crimmins (Jnr)
15     Mary J McCullough
         Ester A McCullough
19A   Rhoda Patton
         John Patton
         Kevin Woods
         Josephine Woods
19C  Patrick McAleavey
         Martin McAleavey
         Joseph McAleavey
         Michael McAleavey
         Christina McAleavey
33     Mary M Savage
         Henry Savage
         Margaret Savage
35     Julia McArdle
         Margaret McArdle
         Bridget McArdle
         Rose McArdle
2       Canice McGovern
4       Philomena McNamee
         Owen McNamee
         Adeline McNamee
         Nora McNamee
         Eugene McNamee
         Hugh McCrink
         Kathleen McCrink
8       Stephen Downey
         Mary Downey
         Thomas Downey
10     Michael McArdle
18     Wilhelmina Davison
22     Bernard McKinley
22     Susan McKinley
24     Richard Palmer
         Bernadette Palmer
26     Catherine Connell
         Patrick Connell
         Margaret Connell
41     Anna McAlinden
         Gerard McAlinden
         Christina McAlinden
51     Rose McMahon
55     Thomas Crawley
         Isabel Crawley
         Patrick Crawley
         Patricia Crawley
         Benedict Crawley
71     Peter O’Hare
         Josephine Eames
73     Mary McAnulty
         Maurice McAnulty
         Mary Ruddy
         Patrick Ruddy
81     Winifred Mulvaney
32     John Gorman
         Teresa Gorman
34     Maureen McParland
         John McParland
         Teresa McParland
36     Patrick Brady
         Mary Brady
40     Mary McParland
         Patrick McParland
44     Peter McAteer
50     Hylda McNeill
         Alexander McNeill
52     John Aiken
         John Aiken (Jnr)
56     Magdalene Rodgers
         Mary Rodgers
         Oliver Rodgers
         Patricia Rodgers
         Peter B Rodgers
         Peter Rodgers
         Raymond Rodgers

Church St People’s Story

Luke Burke Newry
The gable house here (the street signs read Church Street and John Mitchel Street) was the home of the Lundy’s.  May, recently deceased, was waked from her home then in John Mitchel Street.

P. J. Manly, retired caretaker of the Abbey School, still lives two doors up. Two further doors up is the home of Jean Rooney, sister of Eamon and Councillor John McArdle from High Street. 
I am reliably informed that the lady, Margaret Hart, residing at 48 with her niece Eileen, was widowed when her husband Peter (of 1 Chapel Street) was killed in Burma in the last week of the Second World War.
The Bears Bar (Windmill) is at the other end of this terrace, and jutting out in the distance is the Cavern Bar (now owned by Dominic Boyle, formerly by Tommy Courtenay). 
Lucia White of Number 26 tells me she was clearing the attic some years later with her young son when she came upon a discarded baby cot.  ‘Did you used to have a baby?’ he asked innocently.  ‘Yes’, she smiled.  ‘What did you do with it?’ he asked in alarm!
There are far too many families here for individual comment.  Your author as a child, was brought to visit two old ladies, Camille and Mary Warrinnier (we said Warner!), some friends of my mother.   
Everyone in the town knows Dickie Rodgers who still resides in Number 11. 
Other families included McCaul, McLoughlin, McGovern, McCourt, Hughes and many more. 
A few lines of comment from old residents would prove very welcome!   

Seein’ Double: Woman Trouble

Ah might a given ye the wrong notion of it that the travelling woman was al’ays a gracious and charitable cratur wi’ cures aplenty and such like.  Well, though her great knowledge was respected, she cud be a schemin’ oul wan too!

There was this woman an’ she was married but wasn’t she carryin’ on with another man unanownst till her husband.  He had he’s suspicions though an’ this time, didn’t he catch them, this man an’ the wife together, an’ there was holy murder.
There was an old travellin’ woman used to be around that country – I mine her meself!  She’d get tay and’ a night in the house.  She come in and the woman was on her lone.  She seen there wus somethin’ up an’ she axed the woman was there anything the matter.  
‘Oh, an awful unlucky thing happened this morning’, says she, telling her what happened.
‘Ah well, no matter’, says the travelling woman, ‘I think I know a way of curin’ that! Lav it till me.’
They had sowans for their supper an’ the oul’ travelling woman ate a big baul.  Next morning she asked the woman where the man was.
‘He’s away out working in the field along the road,’ says she.
Off goes the travelling woman and she seed him working like mad in the field along the ditch.  He was in bad humour.  She raised her hand up to her eyes, the better till see, and she says,
‘Good morning to both of yous!’
 ‘What do you mean?’ he says, as mad as hell.
 ‘Good morning to both of yous?! There’s on’y me here..’
‘Ah!’ says the travelling woman.  ‘I had a big baul o’ sowans for supper an’ it puts a great mist over me eyes, she says, so that I see two where there’s on’y the wa’n!’
An’ he got to thinkin’ for he had a big feed o’ sowans the night before he’d seed he’s wife wi’ the man.
‘Maybe that’s what came over me’, he says, ‘for I had sowans myself before I saw that!’