Uncle Raymond Carroll


  My Uncle Raymond was a jack-of-all-trades. He could be called upon by his brothers and sisters to paint, paper, clear drains, in fact anything that needed to be done about the house he was their man. For years we believed him when he said that he was teaching the pups to swim whenever our bitch Toby gave birth to a litter.

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Use of the pan!


 The pan was used extensively at our house when we were young.

There were ten children, two parents and one granny to be catered for and my mother was the chief cook. The only time the pan was not used was when we had a roast or stew for dinner but even so the pan came out on Monday and the remains of the Sunday roast was cut into slices and fried on the pan along with the remains of the vegetables.

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1959 McKeowns/Manleys


The final in the present series of Manley family snaps.  Our picture shows (L-R) Eddie Hughes, Stephen and Kitty Manley (Bernadette’s parents) Alice McKeown (aunt) Josephine Manley (sister) Kathleen Manley (sister) Bridie McKeown Hughes (cousin) Marie Manley (sister) and finally, with the dog, Mickey Rooney (uncle).

Isn’t that the McKeown home on Catherine Street, facing St Joseph’s School entrance?

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Magennis St Children


This time – finally – Bernadette has produced a photograph which includes an image of herself.  Mind you, she’s quite young in it!  That’s her in the back row with a bow in her hair and a hanky in her hand!

The whole list is:

Back from left:  Kathleen O’Hagan: Anne McKeown: Bernadette Manley: Kathleen Manley:

Sean Rogan: Gerald Connell: Maureen Connell: Noel Connell: Ethna Manley

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