I am reliably informed that author and researcher Phillip Lecale – whose excellent book on the sinking of the ‘
Class of 61:Enlarged & Named
We’ve had a few requests to ‘blow up’ that recent class photo. So here it is in two parts.
McDermott’s Indomitables
The class photo below arrived from an anonymous well-wisher. Every single boy – I hear – passed the 11+ from this Class of 1961-2. This might be the same group I uploaded two years ago. Is it? In any case, the first photo was certainly not in colour.
Go ahead and name them all for me, please!
1914 Monaghan Row/Street
Earlier (31 January) we gave you the residents of Monaghan Row in the 1901 Census: and of
Sean Hollywood and me
A couple of years later when I was the ‘neutral’ judge in an Aer Lingus-sponsored school debating competition in County Down between two Catholic schools, I cast my deciding vote for St. Colman’s College of Newry.
Views on Irish History
By the time I was attending secondary school, it became obvious that we were all being taught differently about the history of
GAA & Protestantism
However much Gaelic games dominated the sporting scene in the 1960’s – and filled the pages of the local press with team photographs and match reports, it remained a closed world as far as I was concerned all through my teenage years.
Cultural & Sporting Divisions
Awareness that a whole social and sporting culture existed of which I was not – and apparently could not – be a part, soon followed.
Catholic & Protestant Schools
When we went to see, ‘The Song of Bernadette’ and a local priest appeared before the start and ordered prayers, we all squeezed down dutifully on the greasy floor between the rows of seats and prayed like mad to Saint Bernadette.