You would scarcely know it from the expressions on the girls’ faces, but that water in Warrenpoint Baths is ice-cold!
Newry News and Irish Fun
You would scarcely know it from the expressions on the girls’ faces, but that water in Warrenpoint Baths is ice-cold!
Watching Kelly’s coal boats unloading at the docks or coming through the lock gates on Carlingford Lough.
Then for a short period during the war, the American army used the buildings at the station as a temporary staging post for personnel and equipment. I remember that the soldiers had a red diamond on their uniform.
Many thanks for the prompt and informative response, John. Really appreciate the pictures too. Firstly, about Derrybeg Villas itself.
Perhaps John Clements was ‘sleepless in ..’ when he emailed the following to me, from Seattle, Washington, in the early hours! I thought it interesting enough to post, especially alongside this photo!
Amazing, really!
Apart from the sheep, the lady and the boy shepherds – and of course the dirt road surface
It might have been yesterday when I learned – with a start – that my first child was ready to begin school. Selfishly, I thought only of how my own years were running away.
News, too, ain’t what it used to be! The following were extracted from the local papers of 100 years ago.
Bridget was born on 11 February 1898 and grew up in the scenic townland of Ballintemple – making her a contemporary of your editor’s aunt Elizabeth who, though nine years junior, was her neighbour …