My name’s Tommy Morrow and I was telling you about my life after I ran away from home at a very early age. The little house I rented for 9d a week became a ceili house …
1962 Football Team
Pat Murtagh, a former classmate who is featured in this photograph, supplied a list of names for identification. He notes too that Tim Casey (Newsagents,
Linenhall Sq: 1935: 2
More nicknames to decipher? OK. Mousey, Bum, Soapy and Crow. Work it out!
Robert Stewart was grandfather to Robby Martin of Flashpoint!
Building your Buggy
What was called for was an appropriately long bolt of precisely the correct diameter to fit through both burned-out holes – that in the front axle and directly above in the buggy board – and with sufficient numbers and sizes of nuts and washers to do the job-in-hand.
Not like his beloved Ireland
I remembered Hughie as a mischevious, adorable curly-haired boy of six or so, in summer dressed in baggy overalls that were four inches too short and in well-worn, laceless, hand-me-down mud-spattered shoes.
Ball-bearing Races
All our contests and competitions were centred on the use of the ball-bearing buggy.
We had no interest in tortoise v hare events – especially since we were the tortoises!
Abbey Class of 1965
This reproduction does little to flatter my school-mates and the Editor would be grateful for a proper black & white print. The second half – which includes myself – will follow shortly.
Stream Street 1909
Even today,
Meadow: Buggies 2
In those early days of the late 1950s in The Meadow, there was only one boy to earn even greater ridicule than the rider of the lop-sided buggy, and that was the lad who suddenly appeared, beaming, on a shiny new, pristine shop-bought contraption with cissy rubberised wheels.