McGladdery had thrown the lifeless body in a bunch of thorns at a place known as Weir’s Rocks and flung some of her clothes on top.
Newry News and Irish Fun
McGladdery had thrown the lifeless body in a bunch of thorns at a place known as Weir’s Rocks and flung some of her clothes on top.
It was the year of The Somme and many of Kilkeel’s sons fought and died there. It also was the year of the Carlingford Lough Disaster when the
One of the interesting general histories of Newry past is that of Thomas Bradshaw, contained in Bradshaw’s General Directory of Newry (and other towns) of 1820. We quote sparingly from it ….
McGladdery had evil intent even before he left the dance hall. He knew where Pearl lived and the exact location of her home. He gambled that any lift she received would drop her ..
Why would Newry & Mourne Council – at the ratepayer’s expense – commission a survey, inquiry and report upon bones found at the old Monastery site and then not release the results to the ratepayer?
There is not in this Green Isle a
As the workhouse of Newry where Guardians do meet
The last rays of feeling and joy must depart
Ere the bloom of their counsel shall fade from my heart
Her younger daughter Eleanor accompanied Mrs Margaret Gamble and Bob McCullough down to the nearby cross-roads.
They found
Charles Ashe was out walking his greyhounds as usual early on the morning of Saturday 28th January 1961 when he stumbled upon a single black shoe lying in the middle of the road a few hundred yards beyond Ellen Vale on the
The small stone building that stands in the centre of the graveyard has often been speculated upon. It is however widely accepted now as the Eastwood Family Vault.