‘Warrenpoint last Sunday was very lively – quite a number of holiday folk being present not only from the surrounding districts but from Belfast, Portadown, Armagh, Dublin, Dundalk and Cookstown, special trains having been run from all those places which were availed of by a great many sight-seers.
1st Millennium O’Hanlons
The early history of
O’Hanlons through the ages
As a result of running with Redmond O’Hanlon (so to speak!) I received various requests to write further on the O’Hanlon pedigee. Since I have several friends of that name – are you still with us, Jenny, Martina, Gerry, Bernard, Paddy, Sean and Donal, Cathy Lee Rathbun etc? – I decided to accept the challenge.
Ballyholland no more!
‘An extraordinary scene was witnessed on the platform of the Newry (
The Harshaw Diaries assessed
The launch of Marjorie Harshaw Robb’s book reminded me that I had not yet offered a critique of the historical significance of The Harshaw Diaries. I do so now.
The Harshaw Diaries (1830s – 1860s) offer a small insight into life in Donaghmore ..
Head on spike: Redmond
Redmond O’Hanlon had an ‘active service’ life of a mere seven years, but in that time he acquired a fearsome reputation.
Tories: Redmond and gang
In brief then, Redmond O’Hanlon’s short and violent life followed what may be viewed almost as a preordained pattern.
O’Hanlon Pedigree
Oral tradition in South Armagh holds fast to the folk memory of the seventeenth century local character,
Carrickovaddy 1848
There were many local names still familiar today in the lists compiled by Father Ryan of the householders in the townlands in his parish during the Great Hunger.