According to the historian Brendan McEvoy Father Coigly was sworn to the United Men in May or June of 1796. This is the period when a merger took place between the Defenders and the United Irishmen.
Fr Coigly, United Irishman
Despite the extreme conservatism of the Catholic Church (the United Irishmen were roundly condemned by the great majority of the Catholic hierarchy) there were a number of like-minded priests – including Father McGinnis of Dromintine – with whom Father Coigly could empathise, radicals forged in the liberty-equality-fraternity atmosphere of revolutionary
Rifleman McAlister : reprise
On Tuesday 20th Nov, I received an e/mail from Martin Cunningham. He informed me that his father was a nephew of Bernard McAlister. I contacted Martin and arranged to meet him and his father on Wednesday 21st.
Archbishop Usher and time
In a modern age of advanced scientific knowledge it is easy, if facile to mock the efforts of previous scholars to date the age of the earth and the Creation. The most serious, complete, widely-accepted and longest-enduring of the latter efforts was ascribed to an early Protestant Archbishop of
Forkhill Parish 1837
Forkhill parish, 41/2 miles NNW of Dundalk, has currently 7063 inhabitants of which 152 are in town, writes Lewis in 1837.
Doran Brothers’ heroism
The film ‘Saving Private Ryan’ was loosely based on the ‘The Fighting Sullivan’s,’ the true story of five Irish-American brothers killed whilst serving on board the USS Juneau during World War II in November 1942.
Buildings and dates
We do not consider the following list – of Newry buildings bearing dates – to be comprehensive and we would be grateful for your additions.
Armagh City and County: named
We informed you earlier that the county names – indeed the concept – was an English innovation. Perhaps it is time for elaboration.
Famous Newrymen/ Shipping
Among the many Newry-born men who became famous at home and abroad were: