Thirty years ago in Newry an elderly man became a fire victim in his own home.
Native Americans unveiled
Because of the mitochondrial DNA genetic inheritance of the female line (previous article – with caveats) it is possible for scientists/anthropologists/ geneticists to trace back thousands of years in their search for the origins of races of people.
Eamon Donnelly Remembered
On the 29th December 1944 a man by the name of Eamon Donnelly died. The Newry Reporter wrote of him on the 2nd January 1945:
Final Dates in Down History
1779 Formation of the Irish Volunteers
Penultimate Down Dates
1596 Sir Hugh Magennis of Iveagh ceased to pay the ancient tribute to The O’Neill called ‘Bonought’ and took his lands instead by letters patent from the Crown: Magennis ‘coronation stone‘ at Warrenpoint redundant
Newry Cathedral: beginning
In its original form Newry Cathedral was significantly smaller than it is today. All the collected money and effort went into its outside construction so that the famous English novelist W M Thackeray, travelling through
More Down Dates
1245 The walls of Downpatrick Cathedral tumbled down in an earthquake, as did parts of the Abbey walls
Newry Cathedral
Brother Mallon’s final report published here earlier listed buildings/edifices in Newry with dates upon them. We cautioned you then that the list was not exhaustive – and here’s another.
1888 is the date in granite upon our Cathedral …
Religious & Military Dates in Down: 1
Dates (mainly ‘religious’ but also political/military) in Down’s history
432 AD St Patrick’s (second) landing in Down
493 Patrick died at Saul and was buried at Downpatrick