We know that in the late twelfth century the English first landed and began their conquest. In 1178 John de Courcey advanced into Machaire Conaille (the plain of Louth) to plunder it and exact a prey of a large number of cattle.
Newry atrocity
Religious fanaticism, the scourge of the twenty-first century political world merely reflects that of the seventeenth century in Europe.
Four Masters
The Annals of the
The annals are mainly a compilation of earlier annals, although there is some original work. They were compiled between 1632 and 1636 in the Donegal monastery of the Franciscan order. The entries for the 12th century and before are sourced from medieval monastic annals. The later entries come from the records of the Irish aristocracy (such as the Annals of Ulster), and the seventeenth century entries are based on personal recollection and observation.
The chief author of the annals was Micheal O’Cleirigh, and he was assisted among others by Peregrine O’Clery, Fergus O’Mulconry and Peregrine O’Duigan. Even though only one of the authors, M
St Catherine’s Church Newry
I am wont sometimes to let my attention stray from divine worship as I contemplate the beauty of the architecture in my local church St Catherine’s (The Dominican).
Last man to hang for murder
It was almost two weeks after the murder, before McGladdery, who was continually being followed, cracked and led the police inadvertently to the scene of the septic tank just a few hundred yards from his home where he had secreted the blood-stained missing clothes and other items from the murder scene.
Pearl: the murder details are revealed
The pathologist gave detailed evidence about the injuries inflicted on the young girl Pearl Gamble during life – the description of which we will curtail for the sake of propriety.
Mrs Gamble gets dreadful news
Detective Sergeant Robert Knox testified that on January 28th (only hours after the murder) at 9.45 am he went to Pearl Gamble’s home with Head Constable O’Hara and other police.
It was the single most dreadful moment in Mrs Gamble’s life.
Remembering Tom Williams
Perhaps it’s just that I got into trouble, no matter what job or assignment I was given!
Strange hiding place
Some years later still I was interned along with my brothers Jack and Eugene (RIP).