With deep sadness but also with many fond memories, I record the passing of a great childhood companion Brian Hayes, formerly of Killeavey Road.
War Recruits : M
Of course there are plenty whose surnames began with M who enlisted in the Armed Forces in the first six months of the Great War. And we have here the only female volunteer, a Miss Mears from Bridge Street. Here is the list.
World War One Recruits: L
These are men whose surname began with “L” and who volunteered for military service in the first months of the Great War.
Calvary, Omeath 1909-2009
Peter Mallon and his Committee, Friends of Calvary have been working quietly behind the scenes to renovate, resurface, upgrade and repaint the Stations’ images and wording at this famous landmark.
Great War Recruits: K
We continue our lists of those 835 men (and one woman) from Newry who volunteered for military service in the first 6 months of the Great War.
European War 1915: H-J
Full normal service has not yet resumed on Journal because I am still missing many of the drivers and programs that service the site. However as promised, I continue the WWI Recruits lists.
G : Army Volunteers of 1915
We will shortly return to listing residents of Newry streets from ninety years ago so that some comparison is possible with these Army Lists. Also we strongly recommend our readership to consult the 1911 Census now on line courtesy of the National Archives. Please continue your comments on Threads.
World War I Recruits: C
Where was Patrick’s Place? It is notable from these lists how religious or ethnic background was irrelevant when it came to National Service. Note also father and son Tom Cahill from Hyde Market. If you have any comment, open up a new Thread, please.
European War 1914-19..
I found it disturbing to learn that the document to follow – a list of all those Newry people who voluntarily enlisted in the British Army and Navy from the outbreak of war up to the end of April 1915 – was recovered from a rubbish skip where it had been idly set aside!