OK. So you want to see the radiant bride? No problem. We had a wonderful weekend, thanks to Tara, Cathal and our dear friends Paddy and Clodagh Welsh.
Newry News and Irish Fun
OK. So you want to see the radiant bride? No problem. We had a wonderful weekend, thanks to Tara, Cathal and our dear friends Paddy and Clodagh Welsh.
So, why did Cathal McIntyre and Tara Welsh choose to host their wedding reception in far-off Lusty Beg Island? Well, here are just seven reasons ….
Brede White (her mother was O’Neill of the pub in Hilltown of that name) emails to ask for Hilltown photos. Shure, I just love to accommodate!
These seven – and a number of other photos – were passed on to your editor by The Watcher of Threads [ – sounds like he may have worked once in Dempster’s Mills!] Anyway, enjoy!
Men’s Sports Jackets for the equivalent of 62 pence? Women’s frocks for the same? (By the way, what’s a frock?) The address was The Arcade, Newry. We apologise for the photo quality: it’s the nostalgia that counts!
Just for that fellow County Down resident who goes by the alias Armagh Active .. a few Slides from the folio of 5 times winners Down. These show – among personal snaps from Patrick’s album! – Sam in Canada with friends!
The final slideshow of 2006 – and the last of the ‘postcard’ series – is of the Hill Street, Town Hall and Trevor Hill areas.
There may be a few returning emigrants at this time of year who will be grateful for this glance back in time to Old Rostrevor ….. or maybe some among the rest, who never left!
The previous slideshow of Old Newry Elegance was well-received – so here are seven more slides for you to view!