The latest Government initiative to curtail yobbish behaviour is the imposition of ASBO’s, or anti-social behaviour orders. One had already been served upon solicitor Roger Maxwell’s client, Stephen Winestoned when he was re-arrested.
Fun Stuff
In the grave!
True story!! Honest!
Dickie Rodgers was always very fit in his younger days and was up at the scrake of dawn walking his greyhounds. Believe it or not there are a few others constantly about at that time – insomniacs, milkmen and people like me, just on the way home.
A word in your ear!
Some of the most amusing anecdotes originate in the classroom.
I was teaching a class one time, a ‘rough’ class in a ‘difficult’ school in a ‘deprived’ area. Still everybody likes a story and I was reading them one.
Open letter to Charles from Agnes
Now that it’s all over, let me be the first (you mean, I’m NOT??) to congratulate you, the Prince of Wales on your marriage to your very own Cinderella.
It’s been a busy week for you, what with socialising with President Mugabe, attending the Pope’s funeral in
Advertising Tattoos
‘The Viagra company seemed pleased enough with this photo I sent,’
he began enigmatically.
‘They enquired whether this was the full extent. They had concerns about breadth of exposure. ‘In advertising, exposure is vital’, they said.
I had my own concerns over exposure, but I kept them to myself.’
Lost in the Mail
The letter from the mail people, under the logo in the top right had a textphone number for ‘the deaf and the hard of hearing’.
The text of the message below was clearly aimed at the ‘slow of learning’.
Agnes on Water Rates
Dearest Agnes,
Being the soul of discretion and much to be admired, perhaps you could tell me what will happen when the Bolshi Council in that wonderful City of
Will the populace pay the bill or will they resort to withholding payment or even to striking as they have done in the past. Would it be too much to hope for, that responsible Councillors might get kicked in the ‘cooley kickem’s?
What about a separate vote on this one?
Water Tight.
Drumming up the Revenue
It is understood that the Inland Revenue, having heard of the success of a similar scheme in southern
George W Bush’s ‘English’
Quotes from George ‘Dubya’ Bush
“The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.”
George W. Bush, Jr.
‘If we don’t succeed, we run the risk of failure.”
George W. Bush, Jr.
“Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.”
Governor George W. Bush, Jr
“Welcome to Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.”
Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
“Mars is essentially in the same orbit…