‘It seems singularly unimaginative’, yer man says, ‘ for yon wan to name all her three sons Sammy!’
Fun Stuff
It was a stifling hot day and a man collapsed in the middle of a busy intersection.
Grabbed by the ‘hinder part’
Eventually in the second half of the nineteenth century the ill-fated Goraghwood to
Ticket for Mars?
In view of recent ‘political and security developments’ we sent our roving reporter to the Ardmore Fortress on the Downshire Road, in search of an interview with a real, live, local PSNI man (or woman).
Cold Winter
In October the travellers on a halting Site asked their new Clan Leader if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild.
Agnes on sex
Dear Agnes,
This is rather a delicate matter but I’m sure, Agnes that I can rely on your discretion.
Coolridge Effect
Previous American Presidents are remembered for a wide variety of reasons – Nixon for his crookery, Teddy Roosevelt for the Teddy Bear (I’m sure our pedants on Discussions will provide many more examples!) – but only one, to the best of my knowledge, has lent his name to a phenomenon in Zoology.
Stick yer cream buns!
Dear Agnes,
I am a woman of maturing years, certainly, but I have all my faculties. I’m sure you know what I mean, Agnes, for you are likewise.
Grass Widows
Dear Agnes,
I am a modern man. I can accept that women have their shortcomings. Especially as they grow older, they cannot be expected, for example, to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger.