Two rookie robbers in
Fun Stuff
For lack of a ..
Dear Agnes,
I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV …
Hillbilly hermaphrodite
I was just wondering ….
Would you buy a slightly-soiled second-hand Presidency from this particular Hillbilly?
The following Lonely Hearts Club advert appeared in a local newspaper some time ago. An employee photocopied the reply below without anybody’s permission!
Private Dick
Well Mrs or is it Ms Dayee,
I have seen it all now…
You on your soap box telling all those poor souls looking for guidance about high morals and standards… what is the matter with you? Is it one rule for you and one for them?
She leaned over!
Dear Agnes
I need your advice on a very delicate subject.
Behind my husband’s back I have been seeing a man …..
Blown Gasket
Idle pipe dreams ! As per usual!
Dear Agnes,
I trust you will treat my problem sensitively – the reason why I write.
For some time I have strongly suspected my wife of having an affair.
Blessed Horses
One day while he was at the track betting on the ponies and nearly losing his shirt, Mitch noticed a priest who stepped out onto the track and blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the fourth race. Mitch was a Protestant but he knew the difference between religion and business.
An Inspector Calls
‘He was very well dressed – in a pin-striped charcoal grey suit, with white shirt and stylish tie and he carried a smart, modern suitcase. It was easy to believe ….