Dear Agnes,
I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV …
Newry News and Irish Fun
Dear Agnes,
I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV …
Well Mrs or is it Ms Dayee,
I have seen it all now…
You on your soap box telling all those poor souls looking for guidance about high morals and standards… what is the matter with you? Is it one rule for you and one for them?
Dear Agnes
I need your advice on a very delicate subject.
Behind my husband’s back I have been seeing a man …..
Idle pipe dreams ! As per usual!
Dear Agnes,
I trust you will treat my problem sensitively – the reason why I write.
For some time I have strongly suspected my wife of having an affair.
Dear Agnes,
I have a job. I work. They pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit.
Dear Agnes,
I am single, still in my mid-20s, dashingly handsome – though I say so myself – and I’m a highly successful professional man.
Dear Agnes,
You are a lady who always knows the correct etiquette in any circumstances.
Dear Agnes
Why is it that as a woman’s age increases chronologically, her girth swells geometrically and her knickers size exponentially?
Dear Agnes
Don’t you agree with me that there is no more loathsome a sight than ….