There have been numerous occasions when I was unable to sleep while staying at a strange hotel far from home. The reasons were many.
Often the hotel had an integral nightclub that pumped dreadful beat music into the early hours. It wasn’t just the sound that upset, though the repetitive beat – like those terrible mobile discos driven by baseball-capped youths that use our avenue as a racing strip into the wee small hours – does tend to infuriate and exacerbate wakefulness.
The thought that others were having a good time while I was locked up in my lonely hotel room usually drove off all thoughts of slumber. Then there was the fact that a bar was still serving downstairs. No degree of concentration on the busy day tomorrow could drive off these thoughts and induce sleep.
I have had years of experience in attempting to overcome these obstacles. So I just knew I could fulfil the essential criteria for this advertised post.
The Hilton Hotel chain wished to appoint a Director of Sleep for the benefit of its guests. The job would pay