‘The Shawshank Redemption’ – (one of the best movies of recent decades and recently voted the best movie ever not to receive a single Oscar) was filmed at Ohio State Reformatory which also boasted the first certified High School in a U.S. prison.
Sadly they’re having difficulty in organising an alumni reunion and have had only 14 positive replies from a potential pool of 3,000 past pupils.
Organiser Donal Haynes expressed his disappointment and disbelief, and invited speculation as to the possible reasons for the reticence of the alumni.
I know it’s none of my business but I’d like to offer a few possibilities.
- Have you considered Donal, whether you would boast on your CV that you are a graduate of Ohio Reformatory High School?
- Have you considered the possibility that some alumni might now hold high office in a straight life, one they’d like to keep?
- Have you thought of digging for bones on that distant grassy knoll in the Ohio prison grounds? You know that smart alecs were never that popular in prison!