Just to keep you on the right side this Yuletide, remember NOT to
take down the Christmas decorations before Jan 6th (the 12th day)
put up a New Year’s calendar before Jan 1st
meet a red-haired woman first thing on New Year’s morning
pare your nails on Christmas, New Year’s Day or Sundays.
You will recall many of the other ‘unlucky’ things about the home. DON’T
burn human hair
raise an umbrella indoors
place shoes or boots on the table
spill salt (should you accidentally do so, quickly throw a pinch over your left shoulder)
rock an empty cradle
kill a spider or a bird
bring hawthorn blossom into the house
bring a spade into the kitchen
hand another a needle/pin point side towards them
see one magpie (search quickly for another!)
cut a fairy thorn (if you don’t know THAT by now, there’s no hope for you!)
see the new moon through glass (for your information Jan 10 sees the next one so be warned! Even then you can offset the ill-fortune if you quickly turn the coins in your pocket!)
NOW! THAT should keep ye all right over the holidays!!