Scanning the Down & Conor Historical Society Journal of 1938 recently I found the following entry which I now include as it opens a few new pieces of information (well, new to me!). The transcription below is not exact.
‘The Abbey at Newry (de viridi lingo) was founded in 1153 and endowed by Donat O Kearwell, prince of Oriel. (three years later in 1156 the grant of lands was confirmed and extended by Murtagh McLoughlin in his short reign as High King).
On the intercession of Sir Arthur Magennis it was spared total dissolution under King Henry VIII and was converted to a collegiate college by John Prowte the abbot as warden and his monks as vicars choral. The estates were put under a yearly tribute to the Crown of four marks.
Just four years later the warden was pensioned off. The Dissolution of the Monasteries (Henry V111’s land and wealth grab) had reached our shores!