Dialect ‘W’
Wabbley (Wobbly) unsteady
Wabbler ‘he tuk a wabbler’ he suffered a fit, a ‘turn’
Wad handful, i.e. of money, rags, straw etc.
Waited on dying, ‘she’s being waited on, God spare her!’
Wag n. comic fool: v. to beckon, wave finger threateningly
Wake Calling time for friends of the deceased before burial
Wallop a loose, unsteady person; a blow; to hit; an armful
Want use, in negative: ‘we can’t want the sprayer any more’
Water-table subterranean water level but also a small channel to draw away water
Way idiosyncrasy: distance ‘she’s got a great way with her’
‘she has wee ways that draw ye’; ‘she can’t help her ways’
‘it’s a long way from here’
Wed weed; ‘he’s away to wed the thistles from the spuds’
Wee turn small piece of work; non-life threatening sick attack:
‘he’d do you a wee turn’; ‘he tuk a wee turn yisterday’
Well put on well-dressed: ‘put upon’ though means cheated
Welt hard blow or mark left by it
Welt the flure dance with abandon
Whack share, ‘he’ll get his whack after’
thrash, ‘he whacked the culprit well’
portion, ‘a whack of bread’
Whip snap; ‘he whipped it from her hands’
Whipper-snapper pejorative term for a cheeky young lad
Whail beat soundly
Whammel : to turn over, or cover
Whang leather lace; a slice broken from a farl of bread
Whapper a lie
Whopper a lie