This is the penultimate in our long-running series of an alphabet of words peculiar to, or used in a specific meaning in South Armagh. We have had few reactions, hostile or supportive, and few additions or corrections. Please correct this!
Dialect ‘U’
Unbeknownst : unknown to
Unchancy : unlucky, ‘an unchancy one, that boyo’
Unused : not accustomed to
Up : many uses, ‘up in himself’, vain
‘well set up man’, well-built
‘well set up concern’, flourishing
‘well set up in his story’, perfect
Up with : an incline; ‘it’s a sharp wee up with to your place’
Upcome : outcome, the ultimate end
Upcast : cast up, make spurious allegations; ‘she’s always upcasting things, that one’
Upon : in, ‘I’ll have a wee drap ‘o water upon me whiskey’
Upsetting: irritating, causing upset, ‘an upsetting person’
Unrid : rid, ‘I’ll soon unrid ye of her’
Uptake : of sharp comprehension, ‘he’s quick in the uptake’
Underhand : mean, cunning
Underhand smile : one that bodes ill towards someone