Glossary of Fews dialect, then and now:
A: I : A wudn’t be bothered! : It doesn’t interest me.
Abodes: as in Presages : The dog cried in the night: It abodes ill. Something untoward will happen that the dog knows about!
A carry-on: as in playful/malicious jest: Some a carry-on that!
Afeard: afraid
Afore: before
Age: put years on: it’d age ye just to watch his a carry-on!
Agee: open: leave the dur agee, wud ye?
Anear: threatening: I’m not anear ye!
Ail: annoy: What ails ye at it?
Air: warming, walking: she’s airing herself at the fire: .. taking the air.
Aise: take the weight of: he aised the begs on my back.
Allow: accept the truth: I’ll allow that it may be so.